Thursday, December 16, 2010

After all the students had a chance to bat. The students loved seeing the adults try.

Ms. Alex hitting for the class

Ms. Alex reading to the class

Ms. Alex (Mrs. Marshall's daughter) a softball player at the University of Memphis came in to talk to our class about sportsmanship, health, and softball. Ms. Alex had a softball clinic for the students. The class had a blast.

Night Before Christmas Clothesline Story

Your child will be bring home their Clothesline story today. The students have worked VERY hard on it. Please start the story tonight. The students will love helping you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week of December 6th

Last week, our class made stockings that are hanging up in our classroom for St. Nicholas day. The students are anxiously waiting to see if St. Nicholas leaves a surprise in their stockings. Friday, we made Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Gingerbread Boy, which are hanging in the classroom. Please ask your child. 
There will be NO homework and spelling words for the rest of December.
There will be a reinforcement packet that will be sent home with your child next week and needs to be completed and returned in January. More details will follow.
Gingerbread houses – We need a couple more volunteers. Please make sure you have your fingerprints on file in the office.

Holiday program: Save the date – Wednesday, December 15, 2010
• Please make sure your child has turned in a signed permission slip.
• Parents are allowed to attend the performance. 
• The program will start at 9:15a.m. at Grace to the Nations.
• If you are going to take your child home after the program, please make sure that Mrs. Marshall and I both know that you are taking your child. It is important for their safety.