Thursday, September 29, 2011

40th day of school

40th day of school is Thursday, October 6th. Please make sure your student is at school and on time. The 40th day is an important day for funding. Please look in the newsletter on Monday for more information.

I hope all the penguins made it home safely.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

newsletter 9-26

Last week the students made turtle puppets and practiced putting on a puppet show. Also, the students made tambourines and went on a tambourine parade. The students enjoyed Trix, Twix, taffy, Twizzlers, and Tootsie rolls. Thank you to Ms. Faith (Angelia’s Mom) for her help on Thursday. 

Also, last week we had two little visitors come to the classroom. Ms. Janet brought in Speedy, a desert tortoise, and Sully, an African Spurred Tortoise. The students observed how both Tortoises moved and discussed how they were different. The students were amazed with how fast they moved.

The students are going to be taking home their Number Books and Nursery Rhyme Books. They are excited to show you what they have been working on. Please have the students say or sing the Nursery Rhymes to you.

Our school is using the Acutiy program. It is an internet program to test the students on the Common Core Standards and prepare them for AIMs. It is a great program for the students. Attached is the website and your student’s username and password. Please keep this somewhere safe, so your child will be able to sign in. I will be assigning work on Acuity to help your child. This will help your student get more familiar with the program and reinforce the Common Core Standards. Please let me know if you have any problems logging in and accessing the Study part of the website.

Starting October, our class will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book It program. Please look for more details next week.

BOOK ORDERS – I will be ordering the books tomorrow after school. Please send in any last minute orders tomorrow morning.

Please review numbers 1-25 and letters and letter sounds - Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt, Pp. Flash cards are a great way to practice. I will be testing the students for their report cards the first week of October.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Pp
• Numbers 1-25
• Fairy Tales
• Sight words – the, is, a, to, of

Sunday, September 18, 2011

week of 9-19- 11

It was exciting to have all the grandparents in our classroom Wednesday morning. All the students loved having the grandparents participate in the fun centers. Thank you Grandparents for making the day special for all the students.

Thank you to all the families who brought in empty Capri Sun boxes! We will be completing our project this week. Please do not send in any more boxes.

Last week, out class studied the letter Hh. The students colored Hedgie the Hedge Hog. The students enjoyed ham, havarti cheese, hominy, Hershey Chocolate bar, and Honey Nut Cheerios

Every night please review with your child the letters and letter sounds that our class has gone over (Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt). Also, please review the numbers 1-10. Our class will be working on numbers 1-20 soon. In addition, your student is working on sight words. Your child should be able to identify the sight words: the, to, a, of. Sight words are an important part of reading.

Please keep bringing in box tops. It truly makes a big difference in fundraising for our school.

We will be studying:
• Letter Tt
• Identifying numbers 1-20
• Color words – written in black
• Nursery Rhymes

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11- tribute

Student's pattern block designs

week of 9-12

Last week, the students made green, gold glitter geckos. The students ate dried green beans, graham crackers and green grapes.
In addition, last week the students shared about those who protects us. The students painted a star, either red or blue, and I wrote USA and 9-11-11 on them. Also, the students wore a yellow ribbon on their wrists to support the troops and first responders.

All volunteers (including parents) need to have their fingerprints on file in the office. Please plan ahead and have your fingerprints rolled if you are think you might be able to volunteer in the classroom or go on a field trip.

Mid-quarter progress reports are going home today. Every student needs reinforcement at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice letters, letter sounds and numbers.

Grandparent’s day is this Wednesday. Please fill out the attached paper so I may plan accordingly.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Hh
• Counting to 25
• Identifying numbers 1-15
• Nursery Rhymes

Monday, September 5, 2011

week of 9-6-11

Thank you to all the families who attended open house. It was great to see everyone! I enjoyed seeing the students excited to show their families around.

Our class needs empty Capri Suns cardboard boxes for an upcoming project. Please send the boxes to school with your child. 

Duds for dollars – Wednesday, September 7th• Your child may dress down for $1.
• Your child does NOT have to wear uniform or LPA T-shirt.

This week we are studying:
• Letter Gg
• Counting to 25
• Identifying numbers 1-10
• Identifying color words
• Human body
• Nursery Rhymes