Sunday, November 27, 2011


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. Thank you to everyone for bringing in stuffing. The students loved their thanksgiving feast.

Kindergarten Tradition: Gingerbread Houses I went shopping this weekend for our gingerbread houses and realized prices have gone up and I will not be able to buy all the necessary supplies for this incredible experience for your student for $28.00. I’m sorry for the change in plans, but please have your student bring in $2 for the supplies. This will be less expensive for you because I will be able to purchase exactly what we need. We will be making them Friday, December 9th. Parents will need to pick the Gingerbread Houses up on Monday, December 12th. The icing will harden, and it is recommended that it not be eaten. Your child’s Gingerbread House is a great keepsake that will last for many years. To save the gingerbread house, simply wrap it lightly in tissue paper, and then place it in a bag. The children will love to see their creation displayed year after year. If your child normally goes to afterschool, please come by and pick up your child’s Gingerbread House before school. I am in my room at 7:30. I would hate to have anything happen to the Gingerbread Houses in afterschool. Please make sure siblings do not take candy off these special houses.

Upcoming dates:• January 10th – our class will be going on a field trip. I will give details soon. I want to be able to tell the students first.
• February 3rd – Field trip. We will need many volunteers for this field trip.

Holiday program – Thursday, December 15th at 9:00• All students need to wear jeans, a red uniform collared shirt, and tennis shoes
• Please try and have your student at school by 8:15, in order to be able to eat breakfast and get ready for our song.
• Please practice Frosty the Snowman with your student. I will be sending the words to the song home this week. 

December 16th is our last day of school before our holiday break. There will be no lunch or after school. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP AT 11:30!

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Rr
• Numbers 1-50
• Counting to 60
• Holidays
• SPELLING WORDS: fat, sat, rat

Monday, November 21, 2011

All book orders are due tomorrow, November 22nd. I will be ordering them over the holiday break. There are many great inexpensive books that your child would love. Books make great Christmas gifts.
There will be NO homework or spelling words this week.
Thanksgiving feast: Tuesday, November 22nd
• This special lunch is ONLY for the students.
• Please make sure you bring in at least 1 box of prepared stuffing Tuesday morning to our classroom.
• ALL children will receive the lunch for free. No need to bring lunch from home or money for lunch.

Kindergarten Tradition: Gingerbread Houses
Each student needs to bring in $1 for the supplies. This will be less expensive for you because I can purchase exactly what we need and how much. We will be making them Friday, December 9th. Parents will need to pick the Gingerbread Houses up on Monday, December 12th. The icing will harden, and it is recommended that it not be eaten. Your child’s Gingerbread House is a great keepsake that will last for many years. To save the gingerbread house, simply wrap it lightly in tissue paper, and then place it in a bag. The children will love to see their creation displayed year after year. If your child normally goes to afterschool, please come by and pick up your child’s Gingerbread House before school. I am in my room at 7:30. I would hate to have anything happen to the Gingerbread Houses in afterschool. Please make sure siblings do not take candy off these special houses.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a fabulous break surrounded by family and friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ms. O’Hare’s
Snack List

Please bring in 28 indiviudally wrapped items. Please NO chips, cookies, candy, liquid, etc. Please do NOT send in snack that has peanuts or may contain peanuts.

Thurs. Nov. 17 – Sherise

Fri. Nov. 18 – Trent

Mon. Nov. 21 – Aidan

Tues. Nov. 22 – Amiyah

Thanksgiving break
NO SCHOOL – 23rd, 24th and 25th

Mon. Nov. 28 – Angelia

Tues. Nov. 29 – Angelita

Wed. Nov. 30 – Carlos

Thurs. Dec. 1 – Dan B.

Fri. Dec. 2 – Daniel G.

Mon. Dec. 5 – Donnie Y.

Tues. Dec. 6 – Evan

Wed. Dec. 7 – Ezekiel

Thurs. Dec. 8 – Honey

Fri. Dec. 9 – Insatia

Mon. Dec. 12 – Janai

Tues. Dec. 13 – Jaydn

Wed. Dec. 14 – Jocelyn

Thurs. Dec. 15 – HOLIDAY PROGRAM!!

Fri. Dec. 16 – LAST DAY ½ day with NO after school and NO lunch

Mon. Jan. 2 – Jose

Tues. Jan. 3 – Karina

Wed. Jan. 4 – Kayden

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I hope everyone enjoyed their three-day weekend. I cannot believe we are half way through the second quarter. Mid-quarter reports go home today. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at with your child’s name in the subject area.
The students had a great time at our Pizza Party on Thursday. The students will be taking home Thanksgiving decorations.
Our class has been fighting strep throat and other sicknesses. Please make sure your child has a jacket or sweatshirt. Mrs. Marshall and I ask that the students wear their jackets outside so they do not get sick.

• If your child reads 300 minutes or more for the month of November, they will receive a free pizza coupon from Pizza Hut.
• I will only give out pizza coupons to students who read 300 minutes.
• Please continue to turn in reading logs every Monday.

Thanksgiving Feast – Tuesday, November 22nd
The whole school will be having a Thanksgiving Feast. We will be having a
Thanksgiving dinner (lunch) in our classroom, Tuesday, November 22nd. The students love this La Paloma tradition.
• All the kindergarten classes are in charge of making stuffing for the whole school.
• Every student needs to prepare 1 box of stuffing and bring to school on Tuesday morning, November 22nd
• Please make sure the container is labeled with your student’s name.
o Zilpoc baggies are fine.

Holiday program
• Will be Thursday, December 15th at 9:00
• Our class will be singing Frosty the Snowman
o We will start practicing this week

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Ff
• Numbers to 50
• Counting to 50
• Adding
• Telling time to the hour
• Spelling words: pig, in, lip

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week of 11-7-11

The students had an amazing time on our field trip. They loved going to the Miniature Museum and learning about communities. We could not have done it without Miss. Dee (Evan’s Mom), Miss Ramona (Carlos’ Mom), Miss. Faith (Angie’s Mom) and Miss Zenia (Angelita’s Mom). THANK YOU! The students had a blast!!

The students enjoyed ice cream for “Ii” week.

There is NO SCHOOL this Friday, November 11th, in observation of Veterans day. There will be NO spelling words this week. HOMEWORK is due Thursday, November 10th.

Our class and Miss. McIntosh’s class sold the most entertainment books for the school. We will have a pizza party lunch on November 10th. Your student does not need to bring a lunch.

TAX CREDIT - Our class is trying to get I-Pads for an I-Pad center. Please put Ms. O’Hare’s class when making checks out to La Paloma Academy. When you write Ms. O’Hare’s class on the tax credit form, the money will go to our classroom.

Please make sure you turn in your reading log. Only half of our class turned in reading logs last month. It is VERY important to read to your child.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Ss
• Thanksgiving
• Autumn
• Numbers 1-30

Thursday, November 3, 2011


• PLEASE talk to your child about making good choices on a field trip. (Keeping hands to themselves, listening the first time, being respectful to the docents and adults, etc.)
o If students are unable to behave the field trip, I will have one of our van drivers come and pick them up.
• All students need to be at school at 8:15.
• Students MUST bring a bag lunch including a drink. NO LUNCH BOXES.
• Students MUST wear tennis shoes.
• Student may wear jeans or jean shorts. Please no skirts or jumpers.

We are all very excited to go on our field trip. It is going to be a lot of fun!