Monday, March 19, 2012

week March 20th

The students enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Oceanarium. The student enjoyed ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, green whip cream, a green Oreo cookie, ands green juice. The students worked very hard on making their Leprechaun Catcher. They were very creative. Please have your child explain their box to you.  I’m sad to say that we did not catch a Leprechaun. The Leprechauns did leave a pot with gold, green coin, green special rock and a gold necklace.

Spring break: Hope everyone has a nice relaxing break.
• ALL students MUST be picked up at 11:30 tomorrow (3-20-12).
o Our class will be up front around 11:20.
o NO after school and lunch.
• We will see you Monday morning (March 26th)!

Reading logs:
• Please make sure you are reading to your student for at least 20 minutes a night.
• You may include the time your child reads to you on their reading log.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

week 3-12

Last week, the students enjoyed Junior Mints and Jelly Beans. Also, the students made jellyfish. A colorful colony of jellyfish may be seen free-swimming in the oceanarium.
Last Friday, Mikayala’s Mom, Ms. April, came in and introduced some of her puppets to the class. Our class met Andy and Officer Goodman. The students were amazed when the puppets talked. One of the students remarked later, “I thought it was really Andy talking.”  Thank you Ms. April, our class is looking forward to meeting more puppets.
Please bring in the empty shoe boxes. We will be using them on Friday for a really fun project.
Spring break:
• All students MUST be picked up at 11:30 on Tuesday, March 20th. No after school or lunch.
• NO school Wednesday - Friday, March 21 – 23rd
• Enjoy the break! See you Monday morning March 26th.

This week we will be studying:

• Letter Xx
• Numbers 1-75
• Adding
• St. Patrick’s day
• Spelling test: jam, jet, jug

Friday, March 2, 2012

Our class spelled the word Attendance, and we had our popcorn party last Friday. Please make sure your student is getting plenty of rest so they don’t get sick. Our class really wants to have another popcorn party before the quarter ends.

Last week, each student made a vase. The students also ate Verona cookies. Thank you to all the students who brought in Dr. Seuss books to share with the class.

In honor of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, the students made crowns and wore “Thing One” hats. Last Friday, Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, Ms. Janet read the book Green Eggs and Ham to the class, and then she made them green eggs and ham. The class loved it.

Thank you to all the families that have turned in Box Tops!

Duds for Dollars – Wednesday, March 7th

Please remember to bring in an empty shoe box the week of March 12th. If you are able to bring in more than one, that would be great!

Spring break: NO school March 21st – 23rd
• ½ day of school March 20th – NO AFTER SCHOOL or LUNCH
• All students MUST be picked up at 11:30.
• School resumes Monday, March, 26th

Upcoming field trips:
• Ms. McIntosh’s kindergarten class and our class will be going on two field trips together. The bus is not big enough to hold two kindergarten classes and volunteers. If you plan to volunteer for the field trip, you will need to drive your child to and from the place.
• We will be going on 2 field trips, Tuesday, April 17th and Thursday, April 19th.
• Please let me know if you are able to attend the field trips.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Jj
• Adding
• Numbers 1-75
Spelling words: ran, tan, van