Sunday, April 21, 2013

The students did a great job being quiet during AIMS testing for the upper grades.  The students enjoyed going to Old Pueblo Grill and Outback Steakhouse.  At OPG, the students made guacamole, went on a tour of the restaurant (which used to be a house), played food bingo and dressed up like a server or a chef.  At Outback Steakhouse the students took a tour of the restaurant and learned what the Australian flag and country looked like. 

The menus were great and very creative!   If your student has not turned their menu in, please make sure it is turned tomorrow. 

HOMEWORK: DUE: Friday, May 3rd
·         Each student needs to make an insect.  It can be made out of paper, clay, play dough, poster board, etc.   Be creative.  (Hint:  A spider is NOT an insect.)
·         The completed packet of work needs to be turned in with the insect on May 3rd

Field trip:  Friday, April 26th
·         All students need to wear a hat, tennis shoes and sunscreen. 
·         Lunch will be provided for students and volunteers. 

Sight words:  Please make up flashcards and go over with your child.     
the, to, it, and, on, at, said, see, you, can, are, that, not, we, he, she, in, us, come, is

Kindergarten celebration – Friday, May 17th from 9:00 – 10:00

This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Qq
·         Writing numbers 1-100
·         Sight words
·         Insects
·         Zoo animals

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Monday - 22nd - Sports Day

Tuesday - 23rd - Hawaiian Day

Wednesday - 24th - Hat Day with uniforms

Thursday - 25th - PJ Day

Friday - 26th - Field Trip to the ZOO
                        Students must wear tennis shoes and a baseball style hat.
                        Students may wear jeans or jean short.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The students participated in a Wind Experiment, tried Windmill cookies and Wafers for Ww week. 

                The students were scientists and observed, analyzed, and documented what they saw on the ladybugs.  The students were able to have a ladybug crawl on them.  They watched how their six legs moved.  The students were excited to see their transparent (fragile) wings when the ladybugs flew. 

Field Trips:
Field trips are a privilege!  I have talked to the students and they understand, if any student does not follow directions (with 3 warnings) on any field trip they will not be allowed to attend the next one.  We have been working on manners and respect in our classroom.  I expect our class to show that on our field trip. 

Tuesday – OPG – please bring a sack lunch.  Everything will be thrown away at the park.

Friday – Outback Steakhouse – please bring a snack.  Student will not be eating until 12:00.   

ZOO filed trip – Please send in the signed permission slip and money.  

This week, because of AIMS testing for the older students and our field trips, we will be reviewing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Monday, April 15th - Old Pueblo Grill
              Students need to bring a bag lunch.  

Friday, April 19th - Outback Steakhouse  
              Students need to bring a snack.

Friday, April 26th - Zoo and Park
      Everything is provided for students and adult volunteers.

Friday, May 17th - Kindergarten Celebration!

Monday, May 20th - Bowling 


Saturday, April 6, 2013

          Last week, the students started learning about insects.  The students made ladybugs. 

Field trips:  All Adults MUST have their fingerprints on file in the office.  I will check on Monday, April 15th
·         We have all the parents we need for the field trips on April 16th, 19th, and 26th

Math Night – Thursday, April 11th from 6-7
·         Please come and stop by the Kindergarten table. 
·         It will be a fun night!

·         Students will present their menus to the class on Thursday.
·         May use glitter, construction paper, stickers, foam shapes, pictures from newspapers or magazines, etc.
·         Be creative and use your imagination.  J 

Kindergarten Celebration – Friday, May 17th
·         All are welcome. 
·         We will be having our celebration out on our field with all 3 Kindergarten classes participating 
·         We will start promptly at 9:00, with refreshments to follow. 
·         If you have any questions, please ask.

This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Ww
·         Sight words: come, see, will, that
·         Numbers 1-100
·         Adding