Sunday, August 18, 2013


            Last Friday, Miss Mary Rose Villalpando came into our classroom.  Mary Rose is an artist from Monterey, California.  She showed the students her artwork. They analyzed and compared the paintings and drawings.  The students painted a still life of a flower in a vase, as well as a painting from their imagination.  They learned the contrast of drawing from their imagination versus drawing what they see.  The students experimented with mixing colors.  Mary Rose gave each student an art tool (Crayola sidewalk chalk) and a piece of salt water taffy.  It was an educational and fun time in the Oceanarium Friday morning.     
            Friday afternoon, the students celebrated my birthday and the beginning of school with a luau.  The students each received a lei and a bracelet.  The students enjoyed playing limbo and dancing. 
·         Please make sure your students complete their homework.
·         Please go over the homework with your child and make any corrections necessary.
Change in pick up schedule:  Please pick up your students in the classroom on Thursday, August 29th and 30th
This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Oo – writing, identifying and making the O sound.
·         Color words written in black.
·         Numbers 1-15.
·         Human body – identifying parts of the body.
·         Sign language – numbers 1-10, colors, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister.
·         Sing in order – months of the year and days of the week.
Sight words: the, I, a, to

Monday, August 12, 2013

                Last Friday, Coach Erin, my sister, came into the classroom and held a mini basketball clinic.  Also, she talked about good sportsmanship and having a good attitude in sports and in the classroom.   We may have some future basketball stars.  Coach Erin is from Monterey, California, and is Associate Head Women’s Basketball Coach and teacher at Monterey Peninsula College.  Coach Erin gave them each a good attitude bracelet and a sports pencil.  The class had a lot of fun!
                Last week, we have had many students go home sick.  We had three go home on Friday.  Please keep your child home if they have a fever.  They need to be fever free for 24 hours before they attend school.  Also, students need to have not thrown up for 24 hours before they attend school.    
                The class is doing a great job learning and following the school rules, policies, and expectations.  Please continue to talk to your student and encourage them to listen the first time, keep their hands to themselves, and no humming when students need to be quiet.   I’m excited and looking forward toa fun school year with the class.  J
·         Please take everything out of your student’s folder and look through it every night. 
·         Special “Duds for dollars” on next Wednesday, August 21st.

·         Students must to complete their homework and turn it in Friday morning. 
·         If you student needs help writing the kindergarten way, please feel free to use a highlighter like we do in class. 
·         Please make sure your student is writing the kindergarten way and using the space the correct way. 
·         Please go over sight words with your student. 
This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Ll
·         Color words – written in black
·         Human body
·         Shapes

·         Sight words: the, a, I

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Dear Parents,
                The first two days of school went great!  I enjoy getting to know my students.  The students had a lot of fun.  One student said, “This is the best school!”                 

                Reminder:  make sure you have turned in your students supplies, including money for their field trip shirt. 

                Please make sure your child brings their folder every day.  This is a very important way to communicate, plus another way to teach your child responsibility.   Please help your child by taking all the work out of their folders every night and return the folder to their backpack. 

                Our class will be learning to write in D’nealian.  It makes the transition from printing to cursive much easier.  Attached is a piece of paper showing the way your child will learn to write each letter.  Please keep this at home for reference.   

                The class snack list is in their folder.  Please keep the list in a special spot and remember to bring in snack on your child’s day.  Please NO PEANUTS or snack that might contain peanuts.  We have a student in our classroom that is allergic to peanuts.  Thank you for your help!!
                Please put any money in an envelope, write your student’s name on it and what it is for, and put in your student’s folder.  This will make it easier for me and for the before school teacher.    

This week we will be studying:
·         Identifying the sight word: the
·         Identifying numbers 1-10 out of order
·         Counting to 25 –
·         Identifying colors and color words
·         Identifying shapes – triangle, circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, cube

                **Please go over class work with your student every night before going to bed.  Flashcards are a great way to review numbers, color words, shapes and sight words with your student.    

                If you are able to volunteer outside the classroom with tracing and cutting out items, please send me a note in your student’s folder. – please put kindergarten and your student’s name in the subject.