Monday, May 12, 2014

Reminders for Kindergarten Celebration and the Last Days
o The Celebration is Friday, May 16th.  The ceremony will start at 9:00, but please have your student here by 8:15 to eat breakfast and get ready.  We will be leaving our classroom by 8:35 to practice.  It is important that you leave your student at the door; we want the celebration to be a surprise!  The seats on the field will probably fill quickly and I know you will want to get a good seat!
o Your Student may dress up as much as they/you would like!  They may also wear jeans and their collared shirts too.  Your student will be able to tell you if they are sitting on the mats, sitting in a chair or standing for the performance to help with your outfit choices for celebration.
o Please remember, girls need to wear flats shoes, no high heels.
o Your student DOES NOT need to bring a backpack unless they are bringing a change of clothes.
o At the end of the ceremony your student will be able to meet you in the designated area and then proceed to the cafeteria for refreshments.  Before you take your student for their special day, please come say good-bye and sign out with us!
o Monday, May 19th is our field trip to Lucky Strike for our end of the year party!  If you have not already turned in your permission slip and money please bring them in A.S.A.P.  Your student may wear jeans and a uniform shirt to school that day and please make sure they are wearing socks!  The students will be able to wear their field trip shirts home and keep them.  We are excited for this field trip!
o Please remember THERE WILL BE NO AFTER SCHOOL ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  Your student needs to be picked up at 11:30 in our classroom.

This has been a fabulous year and I would like to think each of you for all your support over the school year.  Also, Thank You for all of the teacher appreciation gifts!  They were so wonderful and meant a lot to me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I hope everyone had a nice spring break!  The last quarter is going to go by very quickly.  Please continue to work with your student every night reviewing class work.  
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s report card please email me and we can set up a time to meet.  My email is  Please put your student’s name in the subject.  
Field trips – Week of AIMS
Tuesday – April 8th - Students will need a bag lunch
Thursday – April 10th - Students will need a bag lunch
Friday – April 11th – Students will eat at SCHOOL
More information will be sent out this week.
This week we will be studying:
Letters Jj and Ww
Sight words – are, that, of, they, what
Composing numbers 11 to 19
o Example 14    10 + 4 = 14 and using the 10 frames

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week of 3-10

The students enjoyed wearing their Mardi Gras masks and dancing to Jazz music.  The students tried the “King Cake”.  Anthony W. found the plastic baby in his piece of “King Cake”.
Book Order:  Will be sent out today and due Thursday.  Please feel free to order online.  I will be placing the order Friday during my lunch.  

Shoe box – please bring in on Wednesday.

Planting seeds
Our class will be planting sweet basil seeds this week.
The students will take the cups home and take care of the seeds over the break.
I will let you know when to bring them back to school, and we will be planting them in our school garden.

This week we will be studying:
Review letters
Sight Words - they, here, go, for, from, of, do, are,
St. Patrick’s Day

Friday, March 7, 2014

King Cake

King Cake

Anthony W. found the baby!

more pictures from Village Farms

Digging for worms

Milking Gertie (fake cow)

Village Farms

Monday, February 3, 2014

More Sabino Canyon Fun!

Showing off the sparkle on their hands!

Sabino Canyon Field Trip

Kindergarten Canyon!

The students celebrated Groundhog Day and the start of Chinese New Year, the year of the horse.  The students predicted if Punxsutawney Phil would see his showdown on February 2nd
The student’s made Chinese lanterns, painted fireworks and made a horse out of tangrams.  Also, the student made Dragons and went on a Dragon parade/dance around the school.  The students enjoyed a special Chinese snack, noodles, fortune cookie, and lucky candy.  They received lucky money and chopsticks.  
Field trip:  Village Farms – Tuesday, February 18th
Please sign the permission slip and send in $5.
Students will need to wear long pants, tennis shoes (no flats or boots), hat and a sweatshirt that can be tied around their waists.
Students will need to bring a bag lunch.  Please NO lunch boxes.  Everything will be thrown away at the park.

Kindergarten celebration – Friday, May 16th from 9:00 – 10:00

Mid quarter reports will be sent home next Monday.  If you have any questions, please email me or stop by the classroom.  Please continue to review and reinforce class work.  It really does make a huge difference in your child’s education and confidence.

This week we will be working on:
Letter Rr
Verbs – “A verb is a word, it’s an action word.”
Writing and identifying numbers 1-75
Counting to 100

Chinese New Year

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kindergarten Garden!

I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 - day weekend.
Field trip – Thursday
Our class is very excited to go on our first field trip.  
Please review the Sabino Canyon Bingo Card with your student.
Please make sure your student brings a lunch with a drink.  Everything will be thrown away at the park.
Students need to wear long pants, tennis shoes and a sweatshirt/light jacket that can be tied around their waists.
Student need to be at school by 8:20.
o Students will need to change into their field trip shirts and eat breakfast.
We will be leaving promptly at 9:00.
Be Kind Flower:  Please decorate and return it by Friday.  We will be hanging them on our door.
Book order – Due Wednesday
Thank you to Serenity’s and Jayden’s families for ordering online.

Homework –
Please read with your child every night.
Please go over Sabino Canyon words with your student.
Please have your student read our class story to you.  We have been working very hard on it.
(Will be sent home later this week)

Thank you for your support,


Please make an appointment with the front office to have your finger prints rolled.  We will be going on at least 4 other field trips, and I will need parent volunteers.  ALL adult volunteers MUST have their fingerprints rolled and sent off.  It takes about 4 weeks to clearance.
If you have any questions, please come and talk to me.