Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kindergarten Garden!

I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 - day weekend.
Field trip – Thursday
Our class is very excited to go on our first field trip.  
Please review the Sabino Canyon Bingo Card with your student.
Please make sure your student brings a lunch with a drink.  Everything will be thrown away at the park.
Students need to wear long pants, tennis shoes and a sweatshirt/light jacket that can be tied around their waists.
Student need to be at school by 8:20.
o Students will need to change into their field trip shirts and eat breakfast.
We will be leaving promptly at 9:00.
Be Kind Flower:  Please decorate and return it by Friday.  We will be hanging them on our door.
Book order – Due Wednesday
Thank you to Serenity’s and Jayden’s families for ordering online.

Homework –
Please read with your child every night.
Please go over Sabino Canyon words with your student.
Please have your student read our class story to you.  We have been working very hard on it.
(Will be sent home later this week)

Thank you for your support,


Please make an appointment with the front office to have your finger prints rolled.  We will be going on at least 4 other field trips, and I will need parent volunteers.  ALL adult volunteers MUST have their fingerprints rolled and sent off.  It takes about 4 weeks to clearance.
If you have any questions, please come and talk to me.