Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pattern Block Designs


week of 2-1-10 = Ee

Keep up the hard work with homework and studying spelling words. Our class had 20 students who earned 100% on their spelling test. Way to go!! J
Also, our class studied the letter Cc. The students tried Cat Cookies, Cream Puffs, Crunch & Munch and Candy Corn Kisses. We also had a whole coconut. First we made holes in it with hammer and nail in order to drain the liquid, and then broke it in half. I am proud to say that every student tried the coconut, including coconut milk. The class counted to three and tried it at the same time. By everyone’s reaction, including my own, the coconut milk was not our favorite. I brought in a large piece of Coprolite. Coprolite is petrified Dinosaur Dung. The students were grossed out but very curious about it. J Kindergarten is all about experiencing new things.
The students cloud watched for three consecutive days. Last Friday, our class went outside to observe the clouds, and then we came inside to recreate what they had seen in the sky. The students’ cloud paintings are hanging up in the classroom. In addition, the students’ really cute caterpillars on leafs are displayed in are class.

Valentine’s Day cards need to be in by February 10th. Please have your child fill them out by themselves. Please come and talk to me if you have any questions.

This week we will be studying:
· Letter Ee
· Dinosaurs
· Valentine’s Day
· Counting 1-100 and counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
· SPELLING WORDS: into, get, let, ten

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

week of 1-19-2010

I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend. Thank you to all the families that read and filled out the reading log sheet. Our class read 274 books including the books read in class. Keep up the hard work! J
Last week, the students made umbrella’s. Also, the student made snowman which will be displayed in our classroom.
On Tuesday, January 12th, your students participated in the City of Tucson's "12-Minute Makeover." The Tucson Department of Housing and Community Development invited all citizens to participate by picking up litter wherever we happened to be at noon on January 12th for 12 minutes. Equipped with blue plastic gloves and trash bags, we picked up litter around our school from noon until 12:12 p.m. It was a perfect "hands on" learning experience for your kindergarten students.

100th day – Wednesday, January 27, 2010 – Pajama day
· Please make sure your child at school and on time.
· 100th day is a VERY important funding day for all schools
· We will be having a day of fun and a cookout.

It is extremely important for your child to complete and return homework on Friday morning. If your child does not complete and return in homework on Friday, they will owe time from recess. Last week we only had 13 out of 27 students complete their homework.

This week we will be studying:
· Letter Zz
· Counting to 100 – PLEASE practice at home
· Writing numbers to 75
· Winter
· Dinosaurs

Sunday, January 10, 2010

week of 1-11-2010

Last week was filled with the letter Bb. The students made butter and enjoyed it with bread. Also, the students painted “kindergarten” binoculars. Last Friday, the class went on a binocular walk around the school. The students walked through the office to spy on the administration. The students observed birds, a castle, leaves, cacti, numbers, etc. A student was heard saying, “My bee-noculars really work. It makes things look close. “
Alex Marshall, Mrs. Marshall’s daughter, a softball player at the University of Memphis, came to visit our class. Alex held a mini softball clinic for our class. In addition to the sport, the students learned about the importance of stretching and keeping hydrated. The students were able to bat and shag the wiffle balls. Also, Alex showed photographs taken at Sea World and talked about beluga whales. Alex gave each student a wiffle ball with their name on it and a candy bracelet.

BOOKMAN’s Reading Contest:
· Our school is trying to read as many books as possible.
· This will be attached to your child’s homework.
· Record sheet:
o Parents should write the title and author of the book.
o Your child needs to draw a picture about the book on the back in the correct quadrant.

Yellow slips:
· Yellow slips are information notes to help you address behavioral concerns with your child.
· Yellow slips are between teacher, parent and child.

100th day of school – January, 27th
· Please make sure your child is at school. It is going to be a day of fun!
· Our class will be having a Pajama Day – NO slippers, stuffed animals, or pillows.

This week we will be studying:

· Letter Uu
· Counting to 100
· Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
· Winter
· Spelling words: rug, bug, tug, play

Sunday, January 3, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone had a nice, restful break. These last two quarters are going to go by quickly and be packed full of learning and fun.
Holiday homework packets are due tomorrow. Your child needs to turn in the completed packet no later than Tuesday, January 5th in order to receive a special surprise. Please make sure your child turns it in.
There will be NO homework or spelling words this week.
Attached is the new snack list. Please make sure you bring in 27 individually wrapped items. The students are hungry in the afternoon and need a little snack. If it makes it easier, you may bring in snack up to a week ahead of time. The snack list is also posted in the classroom.

100th day of school is January 27, 2010
· 100th day of school a very important funding day for all schools.
· Please make sure your child is on time and at school.
· We will have some fun 100th day activities planned.

This week we will be studying:
· Letter Bb
· Counting to 100
· Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
· Identifying numbers to 60
· Winter