Sunday, January 10, 2010

week of 1-11-2010

Last week was filled with the letter Bb. The students made butter and enjoyed it with bread. Also, the students painted “kindergarten” binoculars. Last Friday, the class went on a binocular walk around the school. The students walked through the office to spy on the administration. The students observed birds, a castle, leaves, cacti, numbers, etc. A student was heard saying, “My bee-noculars really work. It makes things look close. “
Alex Marshall, Mrs. Marshall’s daughter, a softball player at the University of Memphis, came to visit our class. Alex held a mini softball clinic for our class. In addition to the sport, the students learned about the importance of stretching and keeping hydrated. The students were able to bat and shag the wiffle balls. Also, Alex showed photographs taken at Sea World and talked about beluga whales. Alex gave each student a wiffle ball with their name on it and a candy bracelet.

BOOKMAN’s Reading Contest:
· Our school is trying to read as many books as possible.
· This will be attached to your child’s homework.
· Record sheet:
o Parents should write the title and author of the book.
o Your child needs to draw a picture about the book on the back in the correct quadrant.

Yellow slips:
· Yellow slips are information notes to help you address behavioral concerns with your child.
· Yellow slips are between teacher, parent and child.

100th day of school – January, 27th
· Please make sure your child is at school. It is going to be a day of fun!
· Our class will be having a Pajama Day – NO slippers, stuffed animals, or pillows.

This week we will be studying:

· Letter Uu
· Counting to 100
· Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
· Winter
· Spelling words: rug, bug, tug, play

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