Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week of 9-26

Last week the students studied the letter Tt. The students ate Tootsie Rolls, Twizzlers and Trix cereal. Also, the students practiced putting on a puppet show with their own Turtle Puppets. The students loved using the puppets.
Our class had a special visitor. Students had a chance to observe a small tortise. Ms. Janet’s brought in Sully a 2-year-old Sulcata African spurred tortoise. The students were amazed at how the tortoise moved and how quickly Sully could walk. Also, the students were able to watch Sully eat. One child said that Sully looks like a dinosaur.
Today your child is taking home their Nursery Rhyme book. Please have your child read the book to you. Your student will love to sing the songs to you. 
Our class is in need of Parent volunteers to take home cutting and tracing projects. Students may not help with these activities. If you are able to help, please let me know. I will have some cutting and tracing stuff ready to send home. Thank you ahead of time for your help.
Attached is a practice sheet with your child’s name on it. Please feel free to make copies so your student is able to practice their name the “Kindergarten Way”.
Please continue to make sure your child has an extra set of school clothes in their backpack. Also, please send your child with a water bottle every day. They may keep their water bottle in the classroom all week long and take it home on Friday.

This weekend our class is studying:• Letter Pp
• Reading the following words – log, hog, hot, got, pot, hop
• Counting to 50
• Identifying numbers 1-30
• Color words
• AB pattern – red, blue, red, blue
• Fairy tales
• Sight word – the

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