Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thank you to all the families that who helped their student make an insect. They were AMAZING!! If your child forgot to turn in an insect, it’s not too late.
Our class planted wildflowers last week for Earth day! It was fun for the kids to plant something and be able to take it home.

Field trip – Friday, May 13th from 8:30 – 3:00• Permission slips will be sent home this week.
• All students need to be at school at 8:15. We will leave promptly at 8:30
• All students need to wear a hat and tennis shoes. Students may wear jeans or jean shorts. Please NO SKIRTS! It is going to be hot!
• Adult chaperones –
o Please make sure your fingerprints are on file with the office. You will need to set up an appointment.
o Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to attend. We need 10 adult volunteers.
o Please wear a blue shirt to match our class. It is a safety thing. 

Kindergarten Graduation• Our class will have their Graduation on Thursday, May 19th
• The students will be wearing the school’s caps and gowns
o They will need to take the caps and gowns off before they have refreshments.
o Parents please make sure a cap will fit on your daughter’s hair.
• If you are planning on taking your child after the ceremony you MUST sign them out up in the office, and let both Mrs. Marshall and me know.

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