Monday, January 30, 2012

Last week, the students had Captain Crunch Cereal and Cat Cookies. The students also made Caterpillars, which are displaced in the classroom.

Duds for Dollars – Wednesday, Feb. 1st

FIELD TRIP – Feb. 3rd – Desert Museum• The Bus will be leaving at 8:30. I have made arrangements for any student that arrives late, to spend the day in another kindergarten class. Please have your student at school at 8:00.
• Please make sure your student has sunscreen on. Also, students need to wear jeans, hat and tennis shoes.
• All students need to have a sweatshirt that they will be able to tie around their waists.
• Students MUST bring a bag lunch, including a drink. Everything will be thrown away.
• Adult Volunteers, please make sure your fingerprints are on file in the office.
• Adult Volunteers, please make sure you have a bag lunch too.

Mid-quarter progress reports will be sent home next week. All students need reinforcement at home. If you have any questions, please email me at

There will be NO spelling test this week. Homework is still due Friday, February 3rd.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Ee
• Numbers 1-75
• Dinosaurs
• Weather

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

week of 1-17

I hope everyone had a nice three- day weekend. I have a correction from the last newsletter --- Janai can also tie her shoes! Thank you to Trent’s and Angies’s family for donating baby wipes.
BOOK ORDERS are due tomorrow.
Attached to the newsletter is the reading log. We had only 7 students turn them in on last Monday. It is very important that you are reading to your child every night. Also, please keep and make copies of your child’s name practicing worksheet. If any part of the last name is wrong, please let me know. This is how your child will be writing their first and last name. In addition, attached are the numbers 1-20 attached. Please cut them out and keep at home for your child to use daily to reinforce class work. Thank you for all your help at home.
Thank you to the following parents for volunteering their time to attend out field trip: Valecia (Janai’s Mom), Faith (Angie’s Mom), Tri (Shayla’s Dad), and Patrick (Ryan’s Dad). We could not have done it without you. I hope your student has told you all about our amazing field trip to Sabino Canyon. Our class got to be geologists, found and played with magnetite, went on a nature hike, touched different types of animal skins, and played prey and predator with rubber animals.
Mrs. Stewart came into our class on Thursday to talk about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs. Stewart listened to Dr. King preach and marched with him. Mrs. Stewart talked about good character, and what it was like to live and be around Dr. King.
Last week, the students painted clouds and they are displayed in the classroom. Also, the students made umbrellas that will be sent home this week.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Zz
• Weather
• 4 seasons – winter, spring, summer, fall
• Dinosaurs
• Spelling words: up, us, fun

Monday, January 9, 2012

week of 1-9-12

Last week, the students tried Brownie Crunch cereal and Bottle Caps. Also, the class made butter and enjoyed it on bread.
Also, each student made a pair of binoculars. The students used their binoculars on National Bird Watching Day (Jan. 5th). The class went on a bird walk and spied on the front office.
The students made snowmen that are displayed in our classroom.
Last Monday, the students were tested to see who could tie shoes. The following students were able to tie their shoes: Sherise, Amyiah, Mia, Ryan, Mikayla and Madison. These students received a special prize. All kindergarten students are expected to know how to tie shoes.

FIELD TRIP: Sabino Canyon – Tomorrow, Jan. 10th• All students must be in the classroom by 8:15
• All students MUST wear tennis shoes, jean (pants), uniform shirt, hat and have sunscreen already on.
• Please send your student with a sweatshirt that they are able to tie around their waist. Adults WILL NOT CARRY anyone’s sweatshirt.
• All students MUST bring a sack lunch. Everything left after lunch will be thrown away.
• The students have been learning all about the animals and vocabulary words that they will see and use at Sabino Canyon. The class is very excited to go.

100th day of school – January 23rd – Pajama Day
• The 100th day of school is a fun day in Kindergarten.
• Students may wear their PJs to school. Please NO slippers (we have P.E.), stuffed animals, robes, blankets, or pillows.
• We will be doing many fun activities using 100
• All students need to bring in 100 objects in a sandwich size bag. The bag needs to be able to close. It does not need to be anything fancy.
o Pennies, pieces of paper, rubber bands, pieces of cereal, rocks, marbles, staples, etc.

RE-ENROLLMENT FORMS: Our school needs every family to fill it out whether your student is returning or not. Please turn it in to me. If you turn it into the office or with an older sibling, please send me a note. I’m keeping track. If our class returns 100% of the forms by January 20th, we will have a special treat.

This week our class will be studying:
• Letter Uu
• Weather
• 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall
• Temperature
• Prey or predator
• Numbers 1-60
• Spelling words: bug, tug, rug

WISH LIST: Thank you ahead of time for your help with our future projects.
• Our class is in need of cardboard from an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll.
• Baby wipes

Thursday, January 5, 2012



Please bring in 28 individually wrapped items. Please NO chips, cookies, candy, juice, etc. Please do NOT send in snack that has peanuts or may contain peanuts.

Mon. Jan. 9 – Madison

Tues. Jan. 10 – FIELD TRIP

Wed. Jan. 11 – Mariana

Thurs. Jan. 12 – Mia

Fri. Jan. 13 – Mikayla

Mon. Jan.16 – NO SCHOOL

Tues. Jan. 17 – Shayla

Wed. Jan. 18 – Sherise

Thurs. Jan. 19 – Trent

Fri. Jan. 20 – Aidan

Mon. Jan. 23– 100th Day of school
PJ day – Ms. O’Hare

Tues. Jan. 24 – Amiyah

Wed. Jan. 25 – Angie

Thurs. Jan. 26 – Angelita

Fri. Jan. 27 – Antonia

Mon. Jan 30 – Carlos

Tues. Jan. 31 – Dan

Wed. Feb. 1 – Daniel

Thurs. Feb. 2 – Donnie

Fri. Feb. 3 – FIELD TRIP

Mon. Feb. 6 – Evan

Tues. Feb. 7 – Ezekiel

Wed. Feb. 8 – Honey

Thurs. Feb 9 – Insatia

Fri. Feb. 10 – Janai

Mon. Feb. 13 – Jaydn

Tues. Feb. 14 – Ms. O’Hare

Wed. Feb. 15 – Jocelyn

Thurs. Feb. 16 – Jaythan

Fri. Feb. 17 – Jose

Mon. Feb 20 – Karina

Tues. Feb. 21 – Kayden

Wed. Feb. 22 Grandparents day

Mon. Feb. 27 - Madison

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sabino Canyon Rhymes

Our class is learning about animals that are prey or a predator to get ready for our trip to Sabino Canyon. Your student will be excited to share the rhymes and motions about predator and prey.

Eyes on the side better to hide.

Eyes in the front better to hunt.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 1-2-12


Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a nice, restful break, surrounded with family and friends.

FIELD TRIP – Tuesday, January 10th – Sabino Canyon• We will need 5 volunteers for our field trip. Please let me know as soon as possible.
• All students must be at school no later than 8:15. We will be leaving promptly at 8:40.
• All students must have a paper bag lunch. NO LUNCH BOXES OR COOLERS!!! Everything must be disposable.
• All students must wear tennis shoes, hat (baseball hat), Jeans (to protect their legs) and sunscreen.
Duds for dollars - this Wednesday, January 4th

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Bb
• Weather
• Temperature
• Counting, identifying, and writing numbers to 60