Tuesday, January 17, 2012

week of 1-17

I hope everyone had a nice three- day weekend. I have a correction from the last newsletter --- Janai can also tie her shoes! Thank you to Trent’s and Angies’s family for donating baby wipes.
BOOK ORDERS are due tomorrow.
Attached to the newsletter is the reading log. We had only 7 students turn them in on last Monday. It is very important that you are reading to your child every night. Also, please keep and make copies of your child’s name practicing worksheet. If any part of the last name is wrong, please let me know. This is how your child will be writing their first and last name. In addition, attached are the numbers 1-20 attached. Please cut them out and keep at home for your child to use daily to reinforce class work. Thank you for all your help at home.
Thank you to the following parents for volunteering their time to attend out field trip: Valecia (Janai’s Mom), Faith (Angie’s Mom), Tri (Shayla’s Dad), and Patrick (Ryan’s Dad). We could not have done it without you. I hope your student has told you all about our amazing field trip to Sabino Canyon. Our class got to be geologists, found and played with magnetite, went on a nature hike, touched different types of animal skins, and played prey and predator with rubber animals.
Mrs. Stewart came into our class on Thursday to talk about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs. Stewart listened to Dr. King preach and marched with him. Mrs. Stewart talked about good character, and what it was like to live and be around Dr. King.
Last week, the students painted clouds and they are displayed in the classroom. Also, the students made umbrellas that will be sent home this week.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Zz
• Weather
• 4 seasons – winter, spring, summer, fall
• Dinosaurs
• Spelling words: up, us, fun

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