Sunday, November 17, 2013

                The students made placemats for Thanksgiving and Turkeys to help decorate their homes. 
Holiday Help Needed:
·         I will need some help tracing from parents at home.
·         If you are able to help, please send me a note 
                I will be testing each student for the 4th quarter report card the 2nd week of December.  I will be testing them on the following letters and letter sounds:  Ll, Oo, Gg, Aa, Bb, Cc, Mm, Tt, Ss.  Also, I will be testing them on identifying color words, numbers 1-50 and the following sight words:  the, a, I, is, to, am, little, have, see, at, on, we, like.  Please go over the above information with your student.
Thanksgiving Feast:
·         Please bring in a $1.00 for the stuffing.

This week we will be studying:
·         Review – L, O, G, A, B, C, M, T, S
·         Counting to 50
·         Writing numbers to 50
·         Identifying the setting and main characters
·         Sight words: have, see, at, on, we, like
·         Thanksgiving

·         Autumn/fall

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thank you to the families of the following students for either bringing in a pumpkin or buying items for our Halloween party:  Serenity, Jayden, Emma, Azailyah, Ronnie, Eric, Adel, and Landin.  
The students dissected 5 pumpkins.  The students sorted the pulp from the seeds and measured the circumference of each pumpkin.  Also, we graphed the size of each pumpkin.  Please look on my blog for pictures.  
Today in your student’s folder there is information regarding your student.  Please look over the following assessments.  Please reinforce any highlighted areas.  Please continue to work with your student at home.  It really does make a significant difference. 
This week we will be studying:
Letter Aa
Identifying the beginning and ending sounds in words
Sounding out the parts of a word
Sight words: have, see, at, on 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The students had a blast at our Pirate Party on Friday.  Thank you to Serenity’s Mom,  Ms. Marina.  The students enjoyed playing “Pin the Patch on the Pirate”, “Monkey Toss” and “Monster Toss.”  The student’s received prizes at each game.  The students each received a pirate bandana and mustache.
It was great to see everyone at Harvest Fest!  Thank you to the following parents for helping at our booth:  Ms. Jeannie (Jayden’s Mom), Ms. Marina (Serenity’s Mom), Ms. Tayzha (Eric’s Mom) and Miss. Chantel (Azailyah’s Mom).

This week we will be studying:
Reviewing letters Mm, Tt
Identifying beginning and ending sounds of a word
Numbers 1-50
Counting by 10s – (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)
Counting – starting at a given number and stopping at a given number
o Start at 6 and end at 19
Bats and spiders

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The students were busy last week.  Please have your student read the book Jack-O-Happy to you.   Also, the students made spiders that are displayed on the spider web in our classroom.
Last week the students made marvelous Marshmallow sculptures.  Please visit my blog to see pictures of the sculptures.  The students learned about Christopher Columbus and made one of his ships.
Please save baby food jars or small jars for our classroom.  We will be doing a special craft/present for the holiday.
We will be having a Halloween party in our classroom.  The students discussed what they would like to eat.  Please sign up on our door to bring in a special treat for our party.
Friday Party in the classroom from 1:30 – 3:15:
A big THANK YOU to Valeria’s Dad for volunteering to help in our classroom.
We still need 4 more volunteers.
HARVEST FEST: Friday night from 6-8
A big THANK YOU to Jayden’s family for signing up to help out at our booth.
Our class needs adult volunteers to help out at our booth.
It is a fun night and the students love seeing all their friends.

This week our class will be studying:
Letter Tt
Identifying nouns – person, place, or things
Vocabulary words: Scooping, swooshing, squelching, gobbling, spinning, and rumbling
Sight words:  I, am, little, a, to, have, see
Growing pattern – (1blue, 1 red, 2 blue, 2 red, 3 blue, ____)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Last week, the class learned 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.  I read different stories based on The 3 Little Pigs.  Please have your student retell the story of The Three Little Pigs.
Conferences are going great!  Thank you for making sure you are on time.  Report cards will go home on Friday.
This week we will be studying:
Letters Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx,Yy, Zz
Numbers 1-25
Fairy Tales

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ms. O’Hare’s
Please bring in 30 individually wrapped healthy snacks.
Thank you!  
Fri. Oct. 4 – Aaniya
Fall Break
Mon. Oct. 14 – Adel
Tues. Oct. 15 – Alani
Thurs. Oct. 17 – Anthony
Fri. Oct. 18 – Anthony W.
Mon. Oct. 21 – Araceli
Tues. Oct. 22 – Aubrianna
Thurs. Oct. 24 – Azailyah
Fri. Oct. 25 – Ms. O’Hare
Mon. Oct. 28 – Caleb
Tues. Oct. 29 – Damon
Thurs. Oct. 31 – Derrick
Fri. Nov. 1 – Emma
Mon. Nov. 4 – Eric
Tues. Nov. 5 – Evelyn
Thurs. Nov. 7 – Janiyah
Fri. Nov. 8 – Jeremiah
Tues. Nov. 12 – Joseph
Thurs. Nov. 14 – Kaliyah
Fri. Nov. 15 – Kaylee
Mon. Nov. 18 – Landin
Tues. Nov. 19 – Lauren
Thurs. Nov. 21 – Logan
Fri. Nov. 22 – Madison
Mon. Nov. 25 – Moises
Tues. Nov. 26 – Ronnie
Mon. Dec. 2 – Serenity
Tues. Dec. 3 – Valeria
Thurs. Dec. 5 – Aaniya
Fri. Dec. 6 – Adel
Mon. Dec. 9 – Alani
Tues. Dec. 10 – Anthony
Thurs. Dec. 12 – Anthony W.
Fri. Dec. 13 – Araceli
Mon. Dec. 16 – Aubrianna
Tues. Dec. 17 – Azailyah
Thurs. Dec. 19 – Caleb
Fri. Dec. 20 – Damon
Mon. Jan. 6 – Derrick

Week of 9-23-13

   WOW!!  I loved all the creative “All About Me” posters.  The students did a great job sharing their posters.
The students made a project to go along with the Nursery Rhyme “The women who lived in a shoe.”  Please have your student show it to you tonight.  
Parent teacher conferences:
Everyone needs to sign up for a conference.  The conference gives me an opportunity to explain and discuss report cards and talk about your student’s progress.
When you buy a book,  I get points.  I am then able to buy books with the points.
There are some great books for under $5 or even a $1
Fire Drill:
Our class is working on not talking, staying with the class, and not covering their ears.

This week we will be studying:
Letters A- Z
Numbers 1-25
Counting to 40
Math – more, fewer, same
Fairy tales
Rhyming words
Sight words: at, on,

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Coach Erin
Basketball Coach

Miss. Mary Rose

Saturday, September 7, 2013

                Last week, the students made Hedgie the Hedge Hog.  This work is hanging in the classroom.     The students enjoyed Honeycomb cereal, Hershey’s chocolate and apples for H and A week.   
                The class learned the following Nursery Rhymes: Hickory Dickory Dock, Hey Diddle Diddle, and Little Miss Muffet.  Please have your child say or sing the nursery rhymes. 
                I will be testing all the students next week for their report cards.  I will be testing them on identifying letters, letter sounds and writing the following letters  Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Aa, Bb, Cc.  Identifying the following sight words: little, I, a, is, to, the, am.     Identifying numbers out of order 1-20, counting orally to 20.    
HOMEWORK – Due Friday, September 16th
                All about me is Due Friday, September 16th.  Students need to write their own answers to the questions.  Please cut out and put on a separate sheet of paper.  Please feel free to add pictures.  Students will present them to the class.  Please practice with your child.   If you have any questions please come and see me. 
                Homework Packet is due on September 16th too.  Please make sure a parent checks the homework.  Please work with your student on writing the Kindergarten way and using the space the correct way.      
Parent Teacher Conference –
·         Please sign up on the paper on our classroom door next week.
·         Conferences will be 10 minutes long.
·         Please be on time.
·         We will discuss your student’s report card.

This week we will be studying:
·         Letter A, B, C, D
·         Sight words: little, me, am, to, I, a, is, the
·         Identifying numbers 1-25 out of order
·         Counting to 25 without skipping numbers

·         Nursery Rhymes

Monday, September 2, 2013

                I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend! There will no homework packet this week.  Please continue to read to your child for 20 minutes every night.  This is very important for young children and especially children who are beginning to read.  Please go over color words, sight words, numbers 1-15, etc.  It really makes a huge difference with your student and their confidence in class.   
                Mid – Quarter progress reports are going home today.  Please reinforce the highlighted information.  If your child’s progress is satisfactory, please still continue to reinforce class work at home.  Keep up the hard work!  I will be holding parent-teacher conferences the last week of September.  Please keep an eye out for more information in upcoming newsletters. 
                Last week the students made Gorgeous Green Gold Glittered Geckos.  They are displayed in the classroom.  Also, Mrs. Marshall gave the students gummy bears, gummy worms, and Golden Graham’s cereal.   

This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Hh and Aa
·         Numbers 1-15
·         Sight words: I, am, the, is, to, I, a, little

·         Nursery Rhymes

Sunday, August 18, 2013


            Last Friday, Miss Mary Rose Villalpando came into our classroom.  Mary Rose is an artist from Monterey, California.  She showed the students her artwork. They analyzed and compared the paintings and drawings.  The students painted a still life of a flower in a vase, as well as a painting from their imagination.  They learned the contrast of drawing from their imagination versus drawing what they see.  The students experimented with mixing colors.  Mary Rose gave each student an art tool (Crayola sidewalk chalk) and a piece of salt water taffy.  It was an educational and fun time in the Oceanarium Friday morning.     
            Friday afternoon, the students celebrated my birthday and the beginning of school with a luau.  The students each received a lei and a bracelet.  The students enjoyed playing limbo and dancing. 
·         Please make sure your students complete their homework.
·         Please go over the homework with your child and make any corrections necessary.
Change in pick up schedule:  Please pick up your students in the classroom on Thursday, August 29th and 30th
This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Oo – writing, identifying and making the O sound.
·         Color words written in black.
·         Numbers 1-15.
·         Human body – identifying parts of the body.
·         Sign language – numbers 1-10, colors, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister.
·         Sing in order – months of the year and days of the week.
Sight words: the, I, a, to

Monday, August 12, 2013

                Last Friday, Coach Erin, my sister, came into the classroom and held a mini basketball clinic.  Also, she talked about good sportsmanship and having a good attitude in sports and in the classroom.   We may have some future basketball stars.  Coach Erin is from Monterey, California, and is Associate Head Women’s Basketball Coach and teacher at Monterey Peninsula College.  Coach Erin gave them each a good attitude bracelet and a sports pencil.  The class had a lot of fun!
                Last week, we have had many students go home sick.  We had three go home on Friday.  Please keep your child home if they have a fever.  They need to be fever free for 24 hours before they attend school.  Also, students need to have not thrown up for 24 hours before they attend school.    
                The class is doing a great job learning and following the school rules, policies, and expectations.  Please continue to talk to your student and encourage them to listen the first time, keep their hands to themselves, and no humming when students need to be quiet.   I’m excited and looking forward toa fun school year with the class.  J
·         Please take everything out of your student’s folder and look through it every night. 
·         Special “Duds for dollars” on next Wednesday, August 21st.

·         Students must to complete their homework and turn it in Friday morning. 
·         If you student needs help writing the kindergarten way, please feel free to use a highlighter like we do in class. 
·         Please make sure your student is writing the kindergarten way and using the space the correct way. 
·         Please go over sight words with your student. 
This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Ll
·         Color words – written in black
·         Human body
·         Shapes

·         Sight words: the, a, I

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Dear Parents,
                The first two days of school went great!  I enjoy getting to know my students.  The students had a lot of fun.  One student said, “This is the best school!”                 

                Reminder:  make sure you have turned in your students supplies, including money for their field trip shirt. 

                Please make sure your child brings their folder every day.  This is a very important way to communicate, plus another way to teach your child responsibility.   Please help your child by taking all the work out of their folders every night and return the folder to their backpack. 

                Our class will be learning to write in D’nealian.  It makes the transition from printing to cursive much easier.  Attached is a piece of paper showing the way your child will learn to write each letter.  Please keep this at home for reference.   

                The class snack list is in their folder.  Please keep the list in a special spot and remember to bring in snack on your child’s day.  Please NO PEANUTS or snack that might contain peanuts.  We have a student in our classroom that is allergic to peanuts.  Thank you for your help!!
                Please put any money in an envelope, write your student’s name on it and what it is for, and put in your student’s folder.  This will make it easier for me and for the before school teacher.    

This week we will be studying:
·         Identifying the sight word: the
·         Identifying numbers 1-10 out of order
·         Counting to 25 –
·         Identifying colors and color words
·         Identifying shapes – triangle, circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, cube

                **Please go over class work with your student every night before going to bed.  Flashcards are a great way to review numbers, color words, shapes and sight words with your student.    

                If you are able to volunteer outside the classroom with tracing and cutting out items, please send me a note in your student’s folder. – please put kindergarten and your student’s name in the subject.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thank you for letting me teach your child this year.  We have made many new and unforgettable memories.  Some highlights: Sabino Canyon in the rain, ladybug lab, wind experiment,  field trips, presenting menus and insects, Zoo and field events, PJ days, Thursday end of the year party, many funny games of “Heads Up 7 Up” and many more.  Mrs. Marshall and I have many found memories of this class where they have made us smile and laugh.  This is a great bunch of students.  We look forward to them coming back and saying “Hi!” to us next year.  We love to see them around campus.
          A special Thank you to Ryan’s Mom, Natalie, for making the amazing visors with each child’s name on them.  The students loved them!
Tuesday – PJ day
Wednesday – Last day of school
·         All students must be picked up at 11:30.  No lunch or after school.
·         Our class will be out front at 11:15.
·         Please don’t be late.  We all want to start out summer vacation.  J  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

                Thank you to all the families for all of our goodies for teacher appreciation week.  You really made Mrs. Marshall and me feel special. 
                This week is going to be a very fun exciting week!  The students have been practicing very hard on their songs.  They are excited to perform for you at Fridays Kindergarten Celebration. 
                Last week the students learned about Henri Matisse (1869 – 1954).    Matisse was a French artist who was known for his use of color.    The students painted Jazz Icarus like Matisse. 
Water play – Wednesday, May 15th
·         Students may wear swimsuits.  All students need to wear t-shirts and shorts.
·         Please bring a towel with child’s name on it.
·         Please make sure they have a change of clothes, including shoes, in a plastic bag.
·         It is a fun day full of water games. 
·         It is a privilege for the children to participate.

Kindergarten Celebration – Friday, May 17th
·         Students may dress up or wear their uniforms.  Our class will be sitting on mats on the ground (criss-cross apple sauce).    Girls NO heels.
·         There will be limited seating, but there will be plenty of room to stand. 
·         Please stay behind the cones. 
·         The students have worked very hard on the songs for the performance.  They are excited to perform for their families and friends. 
·         Refreshments will be served by the basketball court following the reception
·         Everyone needs to be off the field at 10:00 so P.E. may use the field. 
·         Please make sure your child says goodbye to Mrs. Marshall and me.  Please make sure you sign them out in the front office,  if they are leaving early to enjoy a special day with you. 

Bowling – Monday, May 20th – Please make sure the $6.00 is turned in. 
·         Students need to wear their blue tye-dye field trip shirts.
·         Students may wear jeans.
·         Please make sure your child has socks on. 

If you have any questions please come and ask or email me

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week of 5-6

WOW!   The students made AMAZING insects.  The students enjoyed presenting their insects and telling the class how they were made.  They were very proud of their work.  J
                Thank you to Ryan and his Mom Miss. Natalie for bringing in some of their tortoises and a box turtle.  Ryan brought in Wilbur the sulcata, Mr. T the desert tortoise, and Rosie the box turtle.  Ryan told the class what they like to eat and where they live at his house.  The students enjoyed observing them and how they walked.  Turtles are actually pretty quick!
                Last week, the student’s made May Day wreaths that we hung on the teachers’ and the office staff doors.  The students were excited to surprise the other teachers.
                Last Friday, our class celebrated Cinco de Mayo (when Mexico won the battle of Puebla).  The students enjoyed Chile con Queso and chips.  Thank you Miss Janet.  The students enjoyed dancing to music.
If you have any questions about upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to ask.  J

Kindergarten Celebration – Friday, May 17th
·         Students may dress up or wear their uniforms.  Girls NO heels
·         There will be limited seating, but there will be plenty of room to stand. 
·         Please stay behind the cones. 
·         The students have worked very hard on the songs for the performance.  They are excited to perform for their families and friends. 
·         Refreshments will be served by the basketball court following the reception
·         Everyone needs to be off the field at 10:00 so P.E. may use the field. 
·         Please make sure your child says goodbye to Mrs. Marshall and myself.  Please make sure you sign them out in front office if they are leaving early to enjoy a special day with you. 

Water play – Wednesday, May 15th
·         Students may wear swimsuits.  All students need to wear t-shirts and shorts.
·         Please bring a towel with child’s name on it.
·         Please make sure they have a change of clothes, including shoes, in a plastic bag.
·         It is a fun day full of water games. 

Bowling – Monday, May 20th
·         Students need to wear their blue tye dye field trip shirts.
·         Students may wear jeans
·         Please make sure your child has socks on. 

To all the Mom’s – Happy Mother’s Day!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

                The Zoo and park field trip was a huge success.  Thank you to all the parents for attending the field trip.  I could not have done it without you.  The students loved playing all the games.  They enjoyed doing an egg race, 3 legged race, sack race, tug-of-war, and a balloon toss. 
                Homework is due this Friday.  The students will be presenting their insects Friday morning.   Please read with your child for at least 20 minutes every night!  Please check homework folder every night!
Kindergarten Celebration – Friday May 17th at 9:00 – 10:00
                You won’t want to miss it.  We will be starting promptly at 9:00.   It is a very special day for our students so please plan a fun day for you and your child afterwards!
                You may bring as many family members as you would like to the celebration.  It will take place on the field so there will be plenty of room.  The students may dress up, but please no heels for the girls!  After the performance there will be cupcakes and juice on the basketball court. 
Teacher Appreciation
                Teacher appreciation week is coming up next week and I just wanted to let you know in advance THANK YOU!!!  Mrs. Marshall and I like fun pens and notepads, but what we love the most are homemade cards!  J
 Bowling party:
                We will be going to Lucky Strike Bowling on Speedway on Monday, May 20th.  I will be sending home the permission slip this week.  Please return the slip in with money on or before the due date.  J

This week we will be studying:
·         Vowels – the long vowel sound
·         Numbers 1-100
·         Subtraction
·         Insects

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thank You Ryan!

Mr. T


 Please meet Wilbur the Sulcata, Mr. T the Desert Tortoise, and Rosie the Box Turtle.  

  The class asked questions about each one.  They loved watching them walk.  :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The students did a great job being quiet during AIMS testing for the upper grades.  The students enjoyed going to Old Pueblo Grill and Outback Steakhouse.  At OPG, the students made guacamole, went on a tour of the restaurant (which used to be a house), played food bingo and dressed up like a server or a chef.  At Outback Steakhouse the students took a tour of the restaurant and learned what the Australian flag and country looked like. 

The menus were great and very creative!   If your student has not turned their menu in, please make sure it is turned tomorrow. 

HOMEWORK: DUE: Friday, May 3rd
·         Each student needs to make an insect.  It can be made out of paper, clay, play dough, poster board, etc.   Be creative.  (Hint:  A spider is NOT an insect.)
·         The completed packet of work needs to be turned in with the insect on May 3rd

Field trip:  Friday, April 26th
·         All students need to wear a hat, tennis shoes and sunscreen. 
·         Lunch will be provided for students and volunteers. 

Sight words:  Please make up flashcards and go over with your child.     
the, to, it, and, on, at, said, see, you, can, are, that, not, we, he, she, in, us, come, is

Kindergarten celebration – Friday, May 17th from 9:00 – 10:00

This week we will be studying:
·         Letter Qq
·         Writing numbers 1-100
·         Sight words
·         Insects
·         Zoo animals

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Monday - 22nd - Sports Day

Tuesday - 23rd - Hawaiian Day

Wednesday - 24th - Hat Day with uniforms

Thursday - 25th - PJ Day

Friday - 26th - Field Trip to the ZOO
                        Students must wear tennis shoes and a baseball style hat.
                        Students may wear jeans or jean short.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The students participated in a Wind Experiment, tried Windmill cookies and Wafers for Ww week. 

                The students were scientists and observed, analyzed, and documented what they saw on the ladybugs.  The students were able to have a ladybug crawl on them.  They watched how their six legs moved.  The students were excited to see their transparent (fragile) wings when the ladybugs flew. 

Field Trips:
Field trips are a privilege!  I have talked to the students and they understand, if any student does not follow directions (with 3 warnings) on any field trip they will not be allowed to attend the next one.  We have been working on manners and respect in our classroom.  I expect our class to show that on our field trip. 

Tuesday – OPG – please bring a sack lunch.  Everything will be thrown away at the park.

Friday – Outback Steakhouse – please bring a snack.  Student will not be eating until 12:00.   

ZOO filed trip – Please send in the signed permission slip and money.  

This week, because of AIMS testing for the older students and our field trips, we will be reviewing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Monday, April 15th - Old Pueblo Grill
              Students need to bring a bag lunch.  

Friday, April 19th - Outback Steakhouse  
              Students need to bring a snack.

Friday, April 26th - Zoo and Park
      Everything is provided for students and adult volunteers.

Friday, May 17th - Kindergarten Celebration!

Monday, May 20th - Bowling