Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week of 9-23-13

   WOW!!  I loved all the creative “All About Me” posters.  The students did a great job sharing their posters.
The students made a project to go along with the Nursery Rhyme “The women who lived in a shoe.”  Please have your student show it to you tonight.  
Parent teacher conferences:
Everyone needs to sign up for a conference.  The conference gives me an opportunity to explain and discuss report cards and talk about your student’s progress.
When you buy a book,  I get points.  I am then able to buy books with the points.
There are some great books for under $5 or even a $1
Fire Drill:
Our class is working on not talking, staying with the class, and not covering their ears.

This week we will be studying:
Letters A- Z
Numbers 1-25
Counting to 40
Math – more, fewer, same
Fairy tales
Rhyming words
Sight words: at, on,

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