Monday, January 31, 2011

week of 1-31

Please have your child wear their red uniform shirt on Thursday, February 3rd, in celebration of Chinese New Year. Red is considered a lucky color. The students have made Chinese lanterns and rabbits to decorate our classroom.
Please have your child wear a red T-Shirt on Friday, February 4th. Americans nationwide will wear red to show their support for Women’s heart disease awareness on National Wear Red day.
Our class is working on listening the first time. We are struggling with children even acknowledging when their name is called. Please help us by continuing to talk to your child about listening the first time, keeping their hands to themselves and always being respectful. Thank you for your support! It really does make a big difference, especially with 28 students in our class.
• Please continue to have your child work on addressing their Valentines to their classmates.
• Thank you to Madison’s family for volunteering to bring in cookies and drinks for our Valentine’s party.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Ee
• How many words are in a sentence?
• Numbers to 75
• Dinosaurs
• Chinese New Year
• Groundhog Day
• Spelling words: met, get, let, bet

Sunday, January 23, 2011

week of 1-24-11

Last week, the students made 100 day necklaces – sorting, counting (1’s and 10’s) and Also, the students made two different Zig Zag projects and zoo animals. Ms. O’Hare’s Zany Zoo is displayed in the classroom.
Please make sure your child is at school on time and is NOT picked up early. In the afternoon I am still teaching, and the students are able to participate in reinforcement activities. Also, in the afternoon our class does many of our fun, creative and educational projects. Students love this time of day.
Please make sure your child has a folder, water bottle, and backpack EVERY DAY.
Valentine’s Day
• Our class will be exchanging Valentines. They have Valentines at the dollar store
• Please have your child write the student’s name and sign their name. This is a great way for the students to practice writing.
• Attached is a class list
• Please have the Valentines turned in by Thursday, February 9th.
Homework:• Please make sure that an adult signs all papers that need signatures
• Please make sure your child colors their homework when called for and uses pencil.
• If any part of your child’s homework is incomplete they will owe time.
• Please make sure ONLY your child is completing the homework.

This week we will be studying• The letter Cc
• Counting to 100
• Writing to 100
• Adding
• Dinosaurs

100th day

Please make sure your child is at school on time tomorrow for our 100th day festivities. Our class may wear pajamas.

Monday, January 17, 2011

week of 1-18-11

I hope everyone had a great three day weekend. Last week, the students made umbrellas for “Uu” week. Also, the students made snowmen and clouds that are hanging in our classroom.

Last week, La Paloma had school wide assemblies reviewing our behavior matrix. Please review the attached behavior matrix with your child. I really appreciate all the support that Mrs. Marshall and I receive about behavior. It definitely helps and makes a difference.

Thank you for reinforcing at home what your child learns at school. Please continue to review the letters and letter sounds (Aa, Bb, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu), sight words, etc. with your child. Our class has been learning to add. Please continue to review numbers 1-60 with your child.

Please teach your child their birthday (including the year), phone number and address. I will be testing them before the end of the quarter for their report card.

100th day of school is Monday, January 24th• Our class will be able to wear their Pajamas. Please NO slippers, robes, pillows, blankets or stuffed animals. We will still have P.E.
• Please make sure your student is at school on time.

CRAZY HAT DAY – Friday, January 21st • Our class will be able to wear any kind of hat to school.

This week we will be studying:• Letter Zz
• Numbers 1-75
• Adding
• Seasons
• Dinosaurs

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spelling words

Please have your child study the following words every day.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

week of 1-10-11

Our class had a full week of the letter Bb. The students made Binoculars. Last Wednesday, “Bird walk day,” the students took their binoculars and observed the school campus. Also, the students spied on the office staff. The students saw a beautiful cardinal.
Last Thursday, the students drew themselves on an old rock in preparation for “Old Rock Day” on Friday. I took a picture of our Class rocks and it is on my blog. Also, the class made beautiful unique designs. Please check my blog at
Last Friday, our class made butter and enjoyed it on bread. Also, the students tried bagels, Bugle and chocolate bells.

NO SCHOOL – Monday, January, 17th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
100th day of school – Monday, January 28th
• Please make sure your child is at school and on time.
• Our class will be able to wear special dress. I will let you know next week.
• It will be a day of fun. Your child won’t want to miss it.

This week we will be studying:
Letter Uu
• Numbers
• adding
• Temperature
• Weather

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tomorrow, Friday, January 7th is "Old Rock Day."

Student's pattern block designs

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


• All completed homework packets are due tomorrow.

• Wednesday (1-5-11) Duds for Dollars – Dress down for $1

• Please return signed paper stating that you received your student’s 2nd quarter report card.


Ms. O’Hare’s Snack List

Please provide 28 individually wrapped healthy snack on your child’s snack day. Please bring in 28 snacks that are the same. We can NOT refrigerate any snack/lunch. If you forget on your day please send in snack as soon as possible. We still need it.


Thurs. Jan. 6 – Leah

Fri. Jan. 7 – Lilliana

Mon. Jan. 10 – Madison

Tues. Jan. 11 – Mercedes

Wed. Jan. 12 – Mikaela

Thurs. Jan. 13 – Noah

Fri. Jan. 14 – Rebecca

Mon. Jan. 17 – NO SCHOOL

Tues. Jan. 18 – Ryan

Wed. Jan. 19 – Sebastian

Thurs. Jan. 20 – Sierra

Fri. Jan. 21 – William

Mon. Jan. 24 – 100th DAY OF SCHOOL
- Ms. O’Hare

Tues. Jan. 25 – Zamara

Wed. Jan. 26 – Antonio

Thurs. Jan. 27 – Arda

Fri. Jan. 28 – Beau

Mon. Jan. 31 – Brenden

Tues. Feb. 1 – Casey

Wed. Feb. 2 – David

Thurs. Feb. 3 – Donovan

Fri. Feb. 4 – Gabriella

Mon. Feb. 7 – Giovana

Tues. Feb. 8 – Hector

Wed. Feb. 9 – Isabella

Thurs. Feb. 10 – Isabelle

Fri. Feb. 11 – Izick

Mon. Feb. 14 – Joseph

Tues. Feb. 15 – Kai

Monday, January 3, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone had a nice, restful break. These last two quarters are going to go by quickly and be packed full of learning and fun. Please make sure that your child brings a folder and water bottle every day. Please continue to daily go through the information in your child’s folder.

There will be no homework or spelling test this week due to the homework packet due Wednesday.

Alex Marshall, Mrs. Marshall’s daughter, a softball player at the University of Memphis, came to visit our class before the holiday break. Alex held a mini softball clinic for our class. In addition to the sport, the students learned about the importance of stretching and keeping hydrated. The students were able to bat and shag the wiffle balls. Also, Miss Alex gave each student a pencil and lollipop. The students had a great time.

100th day of school is Monday, January 24, 2011
• 100th day of school a very important funding day for all schools.
• Please make sure your child is on time and at school.
• We will have some fun 100th day activities planned.

This week we will be studying:• Letter Bb
• Counting to 100
• Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
• Identifying numbers to 60
• Winter
• Weather
• Seasons