Monday, January 31, 2011

week of 1-31

Please have your child wear their red uniform shirt on Thursday, February 3rd, in celebration of Chinese New Year. Red is considered a lucky color. The students have made Chinese lanterns and rabbits to decorate our classroom.
Please have your child wear a red T-Shirt on Friday, February 4th. Americans nationwide will wear red to show their support for Women’s heart disease awareness on National Wear Red day.
Our class is working on listening the first time. We are struggling with children even acknowledging when their name is called. Please help us by continuing to talk to your child about listening the first time, keeping their hands to themselves and always being respectful. Thank you for your support! It really does make a big difference, especially with 28 students in our class.
• Please continue to have your child work on addressing their Valentines to their classmates.
• Thank you to Madison’s family for volunteering to bring in cookies and drinks for our Valentine’s party.

This week we will be studying:
• Letter Ee
• How many words are in a sentence?
• Numbers to 75
• Dinosaurs
• Chinese New Year
• Groundhog Day
• Spelling words: met, get, let, bet

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