Monday, January 17, 2011

week of 1-18-11

I hope everyone had a great three day weekend. Last week, the students made umbrellas for “Uu” week. Also, the students made snowmen and clouds that are hanging in our classroom.

Last week, La Paloma had school wide assemblies reviewing our behavior matrix. Please review the attached behavior matrix with your child. I really appreciate all the support that Mrs. Marshall and I receive about behavior. It definitely helps and makes a difference.

Thank you for reinforcing at home what your child learns at school. Please continue to review the letters and letter sounds (Aa, Bb, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu), sight words, etc. with your child. Our class has been learning to add. Please continue to review numbers 1-60 with your child.

Please teach your child their birthday (including the year), phone number and address. I will be testing them before the end of the quarter for their report card.

100th day of school is Monday, January 24th• Our class will be able to wear their Pajamas. Please NO slippers, robes, pillows, blankets or stuffed animals. We will still have P.E.
• Please make sure your student is at school on time.

CRAZY HAT DAY – Friday, January 21st • Our class will be able to wear any kind of hat to school.

This week we will be studying:• Letter Zz
• Numbers 1-75
• Adding
• Seasons
• Dinosaurs

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